XUK Camps can count as your Duke of Edinburgh Gold ‘Residential’!
Have you heard of the Duke of Edinburgh Programme?
If you are not familiar with the Duke of Edinburgh Gold, it is a programme developed for students aged 16 – 24. There are many benefits in joining the programme; it gives students the chance to gain essential skills for life and work, including confidence, social skills, teamwork and more! The award comprises of five sections: volunteering, physical, skills, expedition and residential, and once completed it is a benefit that your children can add to their CVs and job applications as it is recognised by employers.
How can XUK Camps help?
We are commonly asked whether we can sign off campers’ ‘residential’ section of the Duke of Edinburgh programme… and the answer is YES! As a camp provider, we meet ALL of the criteria for you to tick off your residential section!
What are the criteria for the ‘residential section’ and how do XUK Camps meet it?
Duration: You must stay for a minimum of five days, four nights consecutively.
At XUK Camps, you have two options! You can stay at our multi-activity camp (XUK Activity), or elective activity camp (XUK Excel). Both camps run for 6 weeks, but you can stay for a minimum of 1 week, or up to 6 – the choice is yours!
Daytime Activities: You must learn or develop a skill, train for a qualification or volunteer with a group.
Evening Activities: Spend time with a group in the evening, either through an organised activity or socialising.
Every evening at XUK Camps is full of fun. Each camp runs an evening activity which truly creates a thrilling atmosphere. You could be involved in a murder mystery, take part in a talent show, or get competitive in the staff versus kids showdown!
People: You must have five or more people in your activity group that you do not know.
XUK Camps is all about meeting new people, making friends and experiencing new activities. We offer an international atmosphere at each camp, with children attending from a range of countries, including Spain, France, Italy, Russia, Saudi Arabia and more! You will be based in an activity group at each camp that could have up to 20 different children in (or more)!
Accommodation: You must stay with a group in accommodation.
Now you know that we meet the criteria for your Duke of Edinburgh programme – please get in touch!
Don’t forget, always seek advice from your Duke of Edinburgh leader as to which programmes to consider and ensure they fit with their requirements!