But I hear the teachers cry, "Why should we sacrifice our precious summer holiday time!?"
After an exhausting academic year, the last thing that teachers may wish to contemplate is a summer job working with more children!
Well, as a former teacher, I can fully appreciate the need to unwind, finally catch up with family and friends and of course plan ahead for September.
So why on earth did I throw myself back into the cauldron of childcare year on year, taking on a summer job as an activity leader, pastoral or assistant manager?
To put it simply, I found that a summer camp allows you to be more you!
As a teacher, there is that facade of putting on a show, abiding stringently to the 'grand pedagogical plan' and maintaining law and order.
I found that a summer job at camp releases more of the real you. It reminds me why I wanted to work with children all those years ago.
It is just the tonic to treat those teacher holiday blues. Dare I say, it is reinvigorating!
I am able to be flexible in my delivery of activities, I have no preconceptions about the children - most of us have never met before and I can reflect on my own approaches to working with children.
It, of course, works both ways. The children are on holiday - so the environment and mindset are plugged in differently to term time.
The pursuit of having fun, building friendships, trying new stuff and doing those things you love creates a uniquely rewarding environment.
You can put your textbooks to one side, close those schemes of work and have the freedom to try something new yourself or follow an untapped passion.
From cookery to archery, gaga to street dance; there is such variety of content and staff with expertise that it really is a chance to freshen up your skills or pick up new ones!
Yet, do not be under any illusions that a summer camp job is a breeze, even for an experienced qualified teacher it is challenging.
There are the similar transferable pressures of safeguarding, planning and procedures...and it is tiring!
Nor am I preaching that is it a better job than teaching!
It is just different and doing something different, taking a change of direction for a short time, may help to keep things 'fresh.'
So, to all you teachers out there, if you haven't done it, try it! A summer job at camp is unique, rewarding and exciting. Go for it!