It is never too early to start thinking about packing and getting things organised for your child's time at XUK Camps.
Campers and parents often get in touch, asking questions about packing... So we thought we would share their questions and our answers with everyone! Hopefully they will be very useful to you!
The size of your bag will depend on how long you’re coming for, how big you are and how much you plan on bringing! When packing consider:
No! Bedding is provided at all of our camps.
Each camp has its own kit list and has an “Essential Items” section. You must bring everything in the essentials section.
We recommend £35 - £40 per week. Some campers bring more, some bring less. Each week you will have the opportunity to spend money on trips, buy XUK Camps merchandise & healthy snacks and pay for our laundry service. Please make sure your money is GBP, it saves your whole group finding the bureau de change on a trip day!
Yes! But remember if you want to buy something at camp or do laundry before we go on a trip where you can get to a cash point, you will need cash.
Yes! Not all of our camps have a swimming pool, but a swim suit is very useful for some activities including water fights!
We ask that campers taking part in Water & Forest Adventure at XUK Excel and all campers coming to XUK Activity bring water shoes. They are shoes that can be worn into the lake or river. Their soles protect your feet from stones and they are quick drying! Flip flops are not a suitable alternative.
No - our Health Team has paracetamol, ibuprofen, antihistamines, throat lozenges etc. which they will give you, if you do have a headache, sore throat, rash etc.
Mobile phones and other electronic devices can ONLY be used during your free time. XUK Camps takes no responsibility for any lost or stolen items.
Camp is a very busy place and the only opportunity you have to use a laptop would be during your free time, but we recommend using that time to socialise with your friends in your Dorm or Common Rooms!
A camera is a great way to capture memories, just remember to ensure you have everybody’s permission first before taking any pictures of them.
Yes! Each camp has a weekly laundry service. It cost £6 a bag, which can be shared between friends. Laundry is normally returned to you within 24 hours. Clothes are washed in large machines and garments are not separated into whites, darks, brights etc. We do not recommend bringing your best, most expensive clothes!
Every summer, we end up with a lot of lost property. If something has your name on, our staff can hand it back to you when they next see you (often a meal time) - this doesn’t just include clothing and shoes. Water bottles must be labelled clearly too.
If you have anymore packing questions, please get in touch! Happy packing...
P.S. Don't forget to check out the different packing lists for the camp you are attending... XUK Activity, XUK English and XUK Excel